English 4, Post 3, ' 'My dream job'

 Warm Salutations,

Prospective Music Interpreters, Art History/Musical Theorists, Plastic Artists, Theatre Designers, etc. from Artes,

This week, I am bringing to you the third out of six blog sessions.

In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment:




- What kind of job would you like to have in the future? How do you imagine it?

- What skills will you need?

- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?

- What about the salary?

- Add any other related ideas.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts (optional) + a comment on your teacher's post (obligatory)


- Word Count: 210 words



I leave you a sample, as usual, 


"First of all, as a manner of a beginning, I would like to say that it is difficult to choose a favourite activity that you perform, in my case, I probably have too many to choose from. If I was paid for an activity I enjoy performing, I would say it could be heaven on Earth, literally. However, I must return to reality and talk about what paid endeavour I enjoy the most doing, and in my case, it should be ‘teaching English as a Foreign Language to university students.


It is extremely difficult to say what particular bit of your job you like the most. Choosing a form of making money that makes you happy is one of the most difficult decisions a person has to make in their entire life. It is not just a matter of choosing; it is a matter of performing a job and dealing with the hardships of it without giving in during the process.


The money you make is important, however, the quantity is not that much. Money brings a great deal of help and gives you an opportunity to obtain some tools to help you thrive throughout this life. I think I’m not in this business for money. I’m here because it is fun and I rather enjoy the experience of meeting new challenges to approach new people and their struggles with the English Language.


What about you?

Best Regards



  1. not fear of success, if there hapinnes money arrives!

  2. I like your thoughts. I see in your text a passionate and young english teacher that enjoy (i hope) make classes.
    I hope that you enjoy for a very years your profession, the pedagogy is a really important in the development of education and society.
    I don't think that i want to be a professor, but no one knows. What ever, i greatly admire the professors, pedagogues and people that make classes.

  3. your writers are so emotional, i like your way for see things. Auguri!


  4. It is incredible to enjoy the work in which you are, I am very glad that in your case it is like that.
    And who knows, there may be a future actor, it's never too late, cheers!

  5. I think choosing a "dream job" is brave, especially in the society we live in. But I think it's worth it, at least to make life a little less sad.

  6. I think the same, the best thing is to be able to enjoy and live from that

  7. That´s a good answer to that question, especially for the honestity. Talk about a "dream job" compromise your expectations and, in a certain way, limits you

  8. Confusio said "find a job that you enjoy and you will never work"
    I understand when you spoke about the heaven in earth is our dreamed job...


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